Frequent Headaches? Is it your Partner ? Children ? or Air?

Anonymous : I am getting frequent headaches nowadays, i don't know why.Help

PURIFIEDO2; hello, we are sorry to hear this but we can't give you any diagnosis we are not medical practitioners.

Anonymous: I know I know but i need you guys to help me figure this out

PURIFIEDO2: OK, how can we be of help?

Anonymous: I have been spending too much time indoors like everyone else and i think it might be the problem. Everything was ok, until the kids school closed too and my wife started telecommuting like me

PURIFIEDO2: We don't see any co-relation there

Anonymous: Here is what i need help with.. i have a 3 year old Girl a 5 year old and 8 year old boy they call for me more than 200 times a day...the screams are overwhelming when they are playing  and since my wife is working in the other room when she hears the kids getting loud or too quiet she screams for me to go check on them...i am watching cooking tutorials too trying to cook and be helpful but it's TOO MUCH...what option do you think is the likely cause ?


Today we discuss...

Indoor Air vs Your Increased Headaches!

Migraine is not just a headache that goes away with a dose of pain killer. Severe migraines test the patience level of the sufferers. The symptoms of migraines are not just severe headaches but also sickness, skin sensitivity, problems with balance, vision, and speech. Chronic migraines impair both work and social life. A lot of people are, however, unaware of the fact that indoor air quality also leads to migraines and severe headaches. As you spend 90% of your time indoors, the quality of indoor air has a higher impact on your health. If you too are suffering from frequent bouts of migraines, this blog is for you. Read on to find out the relation between air quality and frequent headaches.


It might NOT be your better half or children that give you headaches ...let's see what studies suggest

Can bad air quality cause migraines?  Can pollution cause headaches?

A study found that there is a correlation between migraines, headaches and air pollution. The pollutants such as Lead, Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Particulate Matter (PM 10 and PM 2.5) lead to severe migraine and headaches. In fact, it has been found that people with chronic migraine and asthma are sensitive to both NO2 and particulate matter. The presence of these pollutants in the indoor air increases the duration and frequency of headaches.

Which Pollutants are Migraine Sufferers Sensitive to?

Can bad air quality cause migraines? Yes. 

The air you breathe in contains a lot of contaminants that you may not know. The cleaning materials, cigarette smoke, cosmetics and perfumes trigger a migraine headache. Cigarettes, for instance, contain nicotine-a vasoactive substance, which changes the size of blood vessels. As the blood vessels are narrow, less blood can reach the tissues that surround your brain. Cigarette smoke irritates your nose or throat, thereby triggering allergic reactions and headaches.

How to Minimize Indoor Air Pollution?

severe migraines can make it almost impossible for you to work. This is the reason why you need to look out for ways to minimize indoor air pollution. Some of the ways to reduce indoor air pollution are:

Use an Air Purifier.....Air Ionizer Preferably

Do air purifiers help with migraines? Yes they do because they are effective in removing pollutants.

One of the most effective ways to reduce indoor air pollution is by installing an air purifier. Ionic  air purifiers create a better and clean air quality by attaching themselves to these pollutants making them fall down to nearby surfaces ensuring you have a clean air to breathe. They attach to pollutants as small as 0.3 microns. In addition, Air Ionizers are ideal for removing dust mites from different surfaces and also remove odor and foul smell from the indoor air weather it's that co-worker or friend who wash themselves with colognes you'll be good.

Additionally Ionic air Purifiers  have scientific proven health benefits to you...just watch


Control the Sources of Pollution

Another effective way to improve indoor air quality is by controlling the sources of indoor air pollution. Improve the ventilation of your home to reduce pollutants inside your home. Whenever weather permits, open the door and windows or switch on the air conditioner with the vent control open. If you have exhaust fans in the kitchen or bathroom, turn them on to ventilate your home.


Indoor air pollution can lead to a number of health problems, including severe migraines and headaches. This is the reason why you need to take the right steps to improve indoor air quality. Installing an air purifier is an ideal way to remove harmful pollutants and make your home safe and pollutant-free.

Disclaimer: Do not substitute the contents of this blog to being medical advice, you know where to seek medical help. There are people who go to school for 15 years for that, not us. 

Happy Social distancing..... day 23!

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